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DataWay PC Software for Fluorimeters, Includes CD ROM, interface cable and instructions

DataWay PC Software for Genova, 6400, 6405, 6500 & 6505 includes CD ROM, interface cable and instructions (Also for use with 3510, 3520, 4510, 4520 and 3540 pH and conductivity meters)

DataWay PC Software for use with 3510, 3520, 4510, 4520 and 3540 pH and conductivity meters, includes CD ROM, interface cable and instructions

DataWay PC Software for use with 3510, 3520, 4510, 4520 and 3540 pH and conductivity meters, includes CD ROM, interface cable and instructions

DB-10C, Dry-Block Thermostat for cuvettes

DB-2A analogue control, ambient to 100°C, requires 2 insert blocks

DB-2D ambient to 100°C, requires 2 insert blocks.

DB-2D High temperature, ambient to 200°C, requires 2 insert blocks.