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15 ml Centrifuge Tube with flat Cap BULK

15 ml Centrifuge Tube with flat Cap BULK

Irish Life Sciences SC508
7-10 DNÍ
1.5ml Apex Plus SC Microtube Conical St

1.5ml Apex Plus SC Microtube Conical St

Alpha Laboratories CP5315
3 287,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
APEX 0.5ml Screwcap Microtube Conical NS

APEX 0.5ml Screwcap Microtube Conical NS

Alpha Laboratories CP5910
909,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
APEX 2.0ml SC Microtube Standard Cap St

APEX 2.0ml SC Microtube Standard Cap St

Alpha Laboratories CP5932
3 281,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
APEX Tough 0.5ml Microtube Natural

APEX Tough 0.5ml Microtube Natural

Alpha Laboratories LW2372
1 043,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
5.0ml Classic Int Thread Cryo-Vial RB

5.0ml Classic Int Thread Cryo-Vial RB

Alpha Laboratories LW3338
1 130,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
1.8ml Ult. Security Cryo-Vial Ext Thd RB

1.8ml Ult. Security Cryo-Vial Ext Thd RB

Alpha Laboratories LW3435
1 094,00 Kč bez DPH
14 DNŮ
1.5ml APEX TE SCMCT Cap-On Skirt St

1.5ml APEX TE SCMCT Cap-On Skirt St

Alpha Laboratories TE5329WL
5 391,00 Kč bez DPH
SuperClear Centrifuge Tube 15ml Loose St

SuperClear Centrifuge Tube 15ml Loose St

Alpha Laboratories CT3078
977,00 Kč bez DPH