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B-12AB, Block for Abgene™ 96 Well 1.2mL deepwell plate Cat.No.AB0564 (QTY 1x), AB0787 (QTY 50x)

B-18 stainless steel bath, 18 litre capacity (supplied with bridging plate)

B-1B, block for Brand 1.1 ml deep well plate (Can.No. # 701350)

B-1R, Block for one deep-well plate Riplate® 96/1000 ?l Cat.No.43001-0101

B-26 stainless steel bath, 26 litre capacity (supplied with bridging plate)

B-2A, Block for one deep-well plate Axygen® 96/2200 ?l Cat.No.P-2ML-SQ-C

B-2BBI, block for one deep-well plate SSI Bio Cat.No.703B00 (strips) 713B00 (with rack)

B-2E, block for one deep-well plate Eppendorf® 96/1000 ?l