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Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Freezer Rack with Spring Clips for Standard 3" Boxes, 8 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Freezer Rack with Spring Clips for Standard 3" Boxes, 9 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Half Rack for Standard 2" Boxes, 3 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Half Rack for Standard 2" Boxes, 6 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Half Rack for Standard 3" Boxes, 4 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Half Rack for Standard 3" Boxes, 5 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Half Rack for Standard 3" Boxes, 6 box capacity

Argos Technologies PolarSafe® Vertical/Chest Rack for 50-Cell Hinged Top Plastic Boxes, 10 box capacity